Our process servers in Virginia routinely undergo audits to ensure we’re working with consistent success and reliability. Firefly Legal sets a bar of excellence and we’re dedicated to maintaining high standards in every aspect of our work to ensure compliance and discretion.
We recognize that even the best professionals have room for growth and course correction, and our audits help us to continue to maintain our standards. Audits help our clients to leave their document delivery needs to us.
- Confidentiality and sensitivity:
We’ll follow all specific instructions for confidentiality and discretion to help your case to begin smoothly. We understand that all legal cases can create emotionally charged reactions for intended recipients, and will approach each recipient with the measure of necessary sensitivity.
- Consistent communication:
You can approach us with questions at any point throughout your case and trust that we’ll immediately share pertinent information with you. You have constant access to real-time status updates and a Firefly Legal Virginia process server will take detailed notes on each step of their process. With our proprietary software, you can check on your status 24/7.
Important court filings are often time-sensitive and can add additional burdens to attorneys who are trying to focus on the big picture of their case. Firefly Legal will meet all court filing deadlines, and manage all filings either electronically or in person.
Time-consuming but vital to your case, document retrieval shouldn’t take away from your focus. We’ll alleviate your paperwork stress by retrieving all case-related documents in a timely and efficient manner.
Firefly Legal process servers in Virginia are extremely knowledgeable and remain in consistent compliance with the state’s unique rules and regulations. We ensure that we meticulously follow all federal and state laws to prevent liability risks or challenges to your case.
- Proprietary software and technology:
Our proprietary software, the Firefly Legal Case Management System, offers layers of cybersecurity and protected access to case information and real-time status updates. You are the only party with access to this information.
Innovative technology solutions like electronic data imaging (EDI) and bar codes allow us to create waterfall processes and streamlined workflows to accurately track each case.
Our skip tracing services allow us to quickly locate and accurately identify your intended recipients. If a recipient attempts to avoid getting served, changed jobs, recently moved, or is hard to track down for any other reason, we’ll utilize effective skip tracing methods to track them down.
Our skip tracing services may include exhaustive research of private and public online databases, comprehensive searches of professional and personal histories, and social media tracking through platforms like Facebook and Instagram.